I was headed to our pasture, feeling a bit frustrated, and I noticed the green, unripened blueberries on our massive bushes. They have been hanging there for weeks. Slowly they will begin to ripen, and in a few weeks, we will have delicious, juicy blueberries from our own backyard. But they take time.
As I looked at the hundreds of berries just waiting for their turn to ripen, I felt seen. This week has been a week with a lot of personal failure, especially on this specific day when I discovered two of my writing submissions were being passed on.
We all face failure and rejection. In a way, I think it’s a really healthy way to help us keep our hearts humble. There’s so much to learn from having to get back up and keep going, although it never feels great at the time. This wasn’t my first writing fail, just like I’ve had a million mom, wife, teacher, friend, daughter, and sister fails as well. I’ve faced my fair share of rejection and failure in all areas of life. It’s humbling to say the least, but it’s so hard not to feel like the failure is personal, in whichever arena I’m failing in.
I know our worth and hope aren’t supposed to be rooted in the things of this world. Sometimes I think the things I worry and fret over would make Jesus and His disciples chuckle. Like, really, Amanda? Despite knowing the truth though, my feelings still want to drive my response. BUT feelings deceive us. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
So how can we face failure and/or rejection with hope?
One of my favorite Scriptures, especially after a hard day, is Lamentations 3:22-24, which reads “Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness! I say: The Lord is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in Him.”
I was reminded of this by the green blueberries. They have purpose but they do take a little time to ripen. Even though my pieces weren’t selected, I still have purpose. It just doesn’t include that specific project, and in time, I’m sure God will continue to ripen the fruit He’s growing. His mercies are new every morning - thankfully. Friends, if you’re facing failure this week in one of the many roles you fulfill, do not lose hope. That failure or rejection doesn’t define you. Instead, it is strengthening you for bigger things to come. God is ripening the fruit for the right time, for all of us. So, let’s pick ourselves up, shake the dust off, and keep moving forward, with hopeful and grateful hearts. We’ve got this! Lean into the gentle parts of this weekend. Oh, and remember, even in the midst of failure, hardship, and grief, God is still good. He is still trustworthy, and He is still for you.
“Though a righteous man falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin” (Proverbs 24:16).