It’s Easter, and before we get swept into Easter egg hunts, all the bunnies, ham, and family pictures, let us pause to remember Him, Jesus.
Let us pause and stop the chaos, turn down the noise, and call upon His name, Jesus.
Let us pause to remember His mission: Love.
Let us pause to remember the betrayal He experienced from a friend.
Let us pause to remember the lengthy beating and mutilation He endured for us.
Let us pause to imagine how He might have felt carrying His own cross to the Skull Place (Golgotha).
Let us pause to remember that He said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11).
Let us pause and remember that He chose to lay His life down on the cross for each one of us, out of Love.
Let us pause to remember that He hung, nails through His flesh, on a wooden cross, arms extended beyond a comfortable position, gasping for air, dying a death He didn’t deserve.
Let us pause to remember that upon His final breaths, He was mocked and wounded yet again.
Let us pause to remember that He said, “…I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).
Let us pause to remember that invitation.
Let us pause to remember that it was all done for grace, so we could approach God, fully in our flesh.
Let us pause to remember our need for a Savior.
Let us pause to give thanks to our God, who came in human form, and died for us.
Let us pause to remember that Easter is more than ham, Easter egg hunts, and make believe bunnies. Easter is a celebration of Life to come with our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ.
Have a good Easter, friends! I hope you find some time today to reflect on the gift we’ve each been offered.
